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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Countdown to Simplicity

Golden delicious appleSimplicity as a standalone life-goal can actually get rather complicated.  (Note the failure rate of new year's resolutions to "simplify my life")
When simplicity is embraced as part of a package deal however the fruit can be sweet (not that I have much experience yet in this, but I like what I've tasted thus far)

In a month we'll be back in California.

This year has been a lot more than we expected.
  • More work than we could have imagined clearing out all the stuff from our big house and paring down to the essentials that could fit in our tiny Korean apartment.
  • More excitement and suspense than we anticipated as our entry was delayed by a month, and as a bunch of our boxes didn't arrive for several months.
  • More adventures in dining, exploring, and cross-cultural shenanigans than we could shake a 지팡이 at.
  • More hospitality and new friendships than we ever thought possible
  • More hours of teaching, preaching and special engagements than should fit into something i've oxymoronically referred to as a year long "working sabbatical" ...

Yet now it is time to reduce again.
Time to say no to certain engagements.
Time to be selective with experiences for the next 30 days.
Time to start saying goodbye and start planning another transition.

Not that we'll ever unlearn these amazing experiences...
and not that we'll ever unfriend the 100s of people we've met from all over the world... (thank you facebook)

But it is time
to reflect and simplify in order that we may press on.
I hope to write more deeply here and less fluff there.

I pray I'll have more gratitude for those golden apples and less irritation with the bad bananas.

I plan to NOT guilt myself into writing a comprehensive "life in Korea" blog...
since it's already been done - check out EAT YOUR KIMCHEE

I plan to eliminate at least half of my online existence... since nobody ever goes to Myspace anymore, ...or Yahoo ...or MSN Live! So you can go there if you want to bid farewell to these forgotten pages, cuz I'm going to kill off one a week!

I think I'll start with MSN ... I haven't been there for at least two years... and never liked hotmail anyway... so, by Friday, nederdave@hotmail.com will be history.

I'm breathing easier already.

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