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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Well Done!"

(from my English Chapel 9/30/09)

Matthew 2:14-30
14 JESUS SAID: “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them...

Today I would like to continue with the unofficial theme of the week, which has been reflecting on the ministry of our president Dr. Sung-su Kim.
This parable is often misquoted and misunderstood but I think it applies to what we have seen and experienced this week.   We all want to hear the master say WELL DONE. 

A 6th century mosaic of :en:Jesus at Church Sa...

• but what does that mean – we must understand WHAT Jesus is trying to teach if we want to know HOW this parable applies to us today.
• This is NOT a story about earning God’s favor by raising lots of money for the church or for a school – No!! And it is NOT even about determining whether you have been given a little or a lot in this life.
• Jesus is NOT trying to show us how to have the greatest reward in heaven… he is trying to show us how to live our lives NOW 100% for HIM!

Several things stood out to me that I had not noticed before in this story…
• The faithful servants did not have to work twice as hard, nor did they risk any property of their own… it was the Master’s money they invested and THE MONEY did all the work!
• The “wicked” servant had a correct view (good doctrine) about the Master’s power and authority… but he failed to wield that power and chose to live cautiously rather than taking a risk.

We are called to be good & faithful stewards of the time, talents, and treasures that the Master has entrusted to us. Just as Jesus commended those who took great risk for him (Beatitudes, the bleeding woman, Peter’s confession, the disciples – we’ve left everything to follow you, the widow’s mite, Mary’s anointing of Jesus feet) …so too it is right and fitting that we commended President Kim for the risks he took for the King on behalf of Kosin University.

If you want to hear the Master say well done… you do not need to wait for him to entrust you with large sums of money (he probably won’t!!) you do not need to wait until you are appointed to a high position (professor, president, senior pastor) YOU ONLY NEED TO RISK WHAT HE’S ALREADY GIVEN YOU!

Many of you have done this already… risking your family and wellbeing to travel far away to study here in Korea. Many of you hope to live lives of great risk for him after you graduate… but I encourage you – DON’T WAIT!! We do not know when the Master will return. We can take great risk (not foolish risk mind you – but prayerful and strategic risks) PRO REGE [for the King] right now – TODAY!

Pres. Kim is a man of action. I don’t know what the Lord will have him do next… but I am CERTAIN that it will not be to sit on his hands or go play golf all week. He will not sit and sulk about this turn of events – indeed he has already given his word to us (again last night at dinner) that he will do all in his power to help the University continue the bold new adventures that began under his leadership.

He is not a man who would wish you to sit and admire HIS accomplishments. I sensed that he was uncomfortable receiving all that attention and praise. Instead I am sure that he would want each one of you to follow his example and TAKE ACTION for the King!

That is why I am proposing that we the International students and professors take the LEAD and start a fund that will help Kosin continue its global and missional focus. I am proposing that we establish an International Student Emergency Fund and that we invite all the Korean students to participate in building up this fund to help International students who encounter special needs. So if for example one of our African students experiences a death in their family back home they could use this fund to fly home without penalty in class and without needing to further burden their host churches who have already taken great risk. Please contact me if you want to help me establish this fund.

Let’s take great risks for God, let’s do it all in the name of our King - Jesus!
To him be the glory for ever and ever - AMEN!

1 comment:

Scarlet Grace said...

Amen to this Dave...YOU ONLY NEED TO RISK WHAT HE’S ALREADY GIVEN YOU! Again, I say Amen! (Oh how I miss your preaching and the encouragement it gives me.)