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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Under a blood-red sky... I will begin again

Saw a big bright shooting star at 1am.
I was on the front porch, new pipe in hand,
welcoming the new year; missing family & friends.
Stunning view of the city, calm.
Even the gunfire & fireworks of Oakland had ceased.
Didn't make a wish, but had the following thought:
The beauty of the lights of my City by the Bay
are only surpassed by the splendor of the lights above.
Sad that the world probably sang Imagine as one voice last night,
along with the million cheerfully tipsy voices at Times Square...
It is truly a godless and vain anthem of a generation lost in an empty dream.
The folks now wielding power in this world have grown up believing
(or at least acting as if) "no hell below us, above us only sky"
is the most accurate and honest way to look at the world.
The year gone by has had gut wrenching moments of unbelievable pain.
Globally and personally it seems few were calling it a VERY good year.
I've felt the cold grip of doubt seize my mind and attempt to strangle my heart.
The love of many grows cold in these latter days.
The very existence of a Divine Community, a loving Three in One,
seems at times to be a vapor, especially when the Father's favor feels remote.
Doubts crept in even during Watchnight service,
to shadow my prayers, and mock my songs...
but the Word from the psalmist rang true:
"My heart and my flesh may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever"  (Ps.73)
This song from scripture is relentless in it's depth, honesty and beauty.
It's not a merry melody or a looney tune for new year's eve...
but it makes a great anthem for living out the new year.
If you're already tired of my rant, take a break and go read it now.

With zealous vigor a young Bono once sang:
"So we're told this is the Golden Age,
and gold is the reason for the wars we wage...
though I want to be with you night and day,
Nothing changes on New Years Day"
Then he promptly went out and made incredible changes in this world,
convincing himself and others that Lennon was wrong.
Peace will come not by eliminating religion, or imagining higher consciousness.
Peace will come when the billion or so who claim the name of Christ...
stop pelting each other with Pharisaical pebbles,
and casting stones at those who sin differently from themselves.
Peace will come when we, the doubting;
the tiny-faith followers of a mighty Savior
chase away the shadows with deeds of justice and mercy,
and stomp the unholy trinity - devil, flesh and worldliness,
with the difficult boot of faith, hope and love.
There.  Now I've gone and done it.
I turned what was to be a two line facebook status update
into a blog for New Years Day.
...and in the process I've felt the Spirit rise within me.
"We were meant to live for so much more"
than the fickle, wave tossed sort of doubts that so often bewitched me last year.
God owes me nothing, but has promised everything.
I will go on serving, obeying, and trusting
even if I never feel the warmth of his embrace this year.
I think I'm longing for certainty, but in this moment I see
If I can merely remember the promise "Lo, I am with thee"
it will be enough.
We want more than this world's got to offer.
That shooting star was no mere rock falling from space through empty sky,
nor was it some portend of luck upon which I should pin a wish,
it was a little piece of creation, set in motion long ago,
by a Majesty so infinite and wise
that knew precisely when it would enter our atmosphere,
knew I would be looking up precisely at that moment,
knew it would make me smile, and inspire me to keep writing today,
writing my way out of doubt to be delivered through the door of renewed faith.
Go be the change you want to see.
It won't happen because of your resolutions or your resolve.
But Christ in you, the hope of glory, and the zeal of Lord will accomplish this.
Stop doubting, just believe, trust... and obey.


Scarlet Grace said...

While I really enjoyed this post, I have a completely different interpretation of the Lennon song which is called "Imagine". We can "imagine" a world without countries and without people trying to kill people whose faith is different from their own. We all know and accept that there are multiple nations and multiple religions, but we can "imagine a world" where there is a brotherhood of man wherein we share all the world. This is what Christ has called us to do anyway. I see nothing godless or vain in that message. Lennon is asking us to be in brotherhood WITHOUT the promise of heaven or hell. This call can be for everyone in Lennon's "imagined" world. If it reaches the atheist, then we are one step closer to a brotherhood in Christ as we pursue Christ's mission.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dave and the last paragraph is the key to living a fulfilled life. What a challenge and I accept it. Hope to see you at CCC Hayward soon !